Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vegan Blueberry Stained Cornbread

So, after much procrastination and "bloggers fear", I am publishing my first post. I am not so sure what I am so afraid of! Am I afraid of people seeing or not seeing my blog? In any case, here it is.

After wimping out of my daily run (it's starting to get cold in Long Island) this morning, I started to go through Fran Costigan's More Great Good Dairy Free Desserts book, looking to make something where I had all the ingredients in my pantry and where I could use the blueberry compote I had made earlier this week. It is a vegan baking/desserts book. I was pleasantly surprised when I came across her recipe for Good Cornbread (pgs. 106-107) as it fit my time and self-imposed ingredient constraints.

The recipe calls for yellow cornmeal, whole wheat pastry flour, unbleached white flour (I used all whole wheat pastry flour/wwpf), baking flour, salt, soymilk (I used coconut milk), H2O, maple syrup (I used agave), canola oil (I used coconut oil), and vanilla extract. I am not printing the recipe because of copyright laws that I am not entirely familiar with, but feel free to find the book at your local library/bookstore and make it yourself!

I sifted and mixed the dry ingredients in a large bowl and proceeded to mix the wet ingredients in another bowl. Then I added the wet ingredients to the dry and whisked until the batter was just smooth (don't overmix, your cornbread will be tough like a shoe). I dumped this all into a 9x9 inch greased (with coconut oil) Pyrex dish and put it in the oven for 15 minutes. Not wanting to let my blueberry compote go to waste, I pulled my cornbread out of the oven after 8min. had gone by and glopped spoonfulls of blueberry goodness all over the cornbread. I used to spoon to press the blueberries down gently and popped it back into the oven for 10 min. (total cooking time=18 min.) and took it out when my knife came out clean with a few moist crumbs sticking to it. It smelled and looked heavenly and I had to restrain myself from helping myself to a molten piece.

It tasted as good as it smelled and will be enjoyed as a quick breakfast or snack for the rest of my week. I will be posting a photo of it tomorrow (if there is any left!)

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